It is a curious thing? I do a lot of listening on-line, and for the most part, programming is not too adventurous or even bold. There are some bright spots, including the CBC, but for the most part, music like ours is not likely to be heard on classical radio stations.
Before you say to yourself, "sour-grapes," my comments/thoughts are not only focused on our CD, but the thousands of CDs by groups and individual artists of all kinds in the classical music field.
It is an increasingly narrower spectrum of music that gets played. And I really can't figure out why. There might be a sense that listeners will flee from recordings that are too different. Even so called accessible music doesn't get aired.
There is no question that the core music that is being presented is wonderful. This music is, in every conceivable way, classic and deserves to be heard. It has stood the test of time.
But there is so much more that goes unheard. The only way this will change is if radio listeners and music lovers demand to hear more music and broader repertoire. This is something that needs to be done.
You thoughts...