Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Our New Website:

We have a new website which we're very excited about as we plan for upcoming performances. As you look through the various pages, we would love from you. Visit the Contact Us page and let us you what you think.

Looking forward to performing...

Rich Kleinfeldt,
Washington Saxophone Quartet

Friday, May 1, 2020

WSaxQ During the Pandemic

Like everyone, we are staying at home and hope to rehearse and perform concerts soon.  We were able to get more than a little boost when our newest CD "Looking Bach: Baroque and Before was featured in April on Classical WETA FM in Washington. That in turn resulted in a very good listener response and CD sales. While we have time (lots of it right now) we are working on a new website.
We're also always interested in new repertoire and this is a good time to acquire new works and pieces that are new to us.

Our hope is that our fellow musicians stay healthy and safe and we reenter some sort of normalcy and all return to performing again.
We have concerts planned for November and beyond and we hope to see you and hear from you.

Stay in Touch
Rich Kleinfeldt
and the Washington Saxophone Quartet